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Quick Start

How does BAS work

On BAS, firstly user should register a schema in Schema Registry Contract. Schema defines a data structure including fields revokable and resolver.

Then you can create an on-chain attestation based on one schema. And if the resolver field of the schema your attestation related to if not null, the BAS contract will call the resolver and check the validity of the attestation. After passing the verification, the new created attesetation would be recorded in BAS contract.

Or you can create an off-chain attestation and store it in greenfield or any other storage. Then

Either on-chain or off-chain attestation could be claimed as invalid by the attestor through revoking it.


Following is the contract deployed in BNB chain.

BNB Mainnet

  • BAS contract: 0x247Fe62d887bc9410c3848DF2f322e52DA9a51bC
  • Schema Registry contract: 0x5e905F77f59491F03eBB78c204986aaDEB0C6bDa
  • Delegate contract: 0x01dAc45529a070Cb67Fc5B328a7eBE394644355B
  • Indexer : 0xD50Db34cF85c01E68e30c25Fb8F92884773bF8Cc

BNB Testnet

  • BAS contract: 0x6c2270298b1e6046898a322acB3Cbad6F99f7CBD
  • Schema Registry contract: 0x08C8b8417313fF130526862f90cd822B55002D72
  • Delegate contract: 0x3b32B97092f09Ad34E5766e239e4C2F76b0DEe43
  • Indexer : 0x10E0a439F2A96FB58F1800C495C91cf86a2b9411

opBNB Mainnet

  • BAS contract: 0x5e905F77f59491F03eBB78c204986aaDEB0C6bDa
  • Schema Registry contract: 0x65CFBDf1EA0ACb7492Ecc1610cfBf79665DC631B
  • Delegate contract: 0x2F086b84b6840e902E1745A94DA648D61B0252B0
  • Indexer : 0x2DA65798a0BA6E5f2D457F4A99890843a7C02aFe

opBNB Testnet

  • BAS contract: 0x5e905F77f59491F03eBB78c204986aaDEB0C6bDa
  • Schema Registry contract: 0x65CFBDf1EA0ACb7492Ecc1610cfBf79665DC631B
  • Delegate contract: 0x8F6b5B3FFf1899A1107a1338b176f54ab72f27B9
  • Indexer : 0x96Fd40E6EA6826b0336C8018D646a6255a58b618