Manager off chain attestation on BASCAN
Now user in BASCAN can manager their off-chain attestation on BNB Chain without change network.
Create Manger Contract
If users don't have a manager contract, they should create one.

Create General Bucket with Tag 'bascan'
If users don't have a bucket where store the off chain attestation created on BASCAN, they should create one.

Grant upload and read permission to BASCAN
After create a bascan bucket, users should grant the upload and read permission to BASCAN so that BASCAN can be delegated to upload off-chain attestation to Greenfield.

Delegate to upload off chain attestation to Greenfield
After finished all above actions, when users create a off chain attestation and send it to BASCAN. BASCAN will upload it to Greenfield.

Then you can view the off chain attestation on BASCAN.